class PDF_USA_Calendar extends FPDF
protected $date;
protected $squareHeight;
protected $squareWidth;
protected $longestMonth;
protected $tinySquareSize;
protected $headerFontSize;
function __construct($orientation="L", $size="Letter")
parent::__construct($orientation, "mm", $size);
// compute longest month name
$this->longestMonth = "";
for ($month = 1; $month <= 12; ++$month)
$monthYear = gmdate("F Y", jdtounix($this->MDYtoJD($month,1,2009)));
if (strlen($monthYear) > strlen($this->longestMonth))
$this->longestMonth = $monthYear;
// compute font size
$this->tinySquareSize = 4;
$this->headerFontSize = 70;
$this->SetFont("Times", "B", $this->headerFontSize);
$width = $this->w - $this->lMargin - $this->rMargin;
while ($this->GetStringWidth($this->longestMonth) > $width - $this->tinySquareSize * 22)
$this->SetFont("Times", "B", $this->headerFontSize);
// useful date manipulation routines
function JDtoYMD($date, &$year, &$month, &$day)
$string = JDToGregorian($date);
$month = strtok($string, " -/");
$day = strtok(" -/");
$year = strtok(" -/");
function MDYtoJD($month, $day, $year)
if (! $month || ! $day || ! $year)
return 0;
$a = floor((14-$month)/12);
$y = floor($year+4800-$a);
$m = floor($month+12*$a-3);
$jd = $day+floor((153*$m+2)/5)+$y*365;
$jd += floor($y/4)-floor($y/100)+floor($y/400)-32045;
return $jd;
function lastMonth($date)
$this->JDtoYMD($date, $year, $month, $day);
if (--$month == 0)
$month = 12;
return GregorianToJD($month, $day, $year);
function nextMonth($date)
$this->JDtoYMD($date, $year, $month, $day);
if (++$month > 12)
$month = 1;
return GregorianToJD($month, $day, $year);
function isHoliday($date)
$this->JDtoYMD($date, $year, $month, $day);
if ($month == 7 && $day == 4)
return "Independence Day";
if ($month == 1 && $day == 1)
return "New Year's Day";
if ($month == 12 && $day == 25)
return "Christmas";
if ($month == 11)
$dow = gmdate("w", jdtounix($date));
if ($day == 11 && $dow > 0 && $dow < 6) // does the eleventh fall on a weekday?
return "Veteran's Day";
if ($dow == 1 && ($day == 12 || $day == 13))
return "Veteran's Day";
if ($this->isWeekHoliday($date, 4, 4, 11)) // thursday of the fourth week of November
return "Thanksgiving";
if ($this->isWeekHoliday($date, 1, 3, 1))
return "MLK, Jr. Day";
if ($this->isWeekHoliday($date, 1, 3, 2))
return "President's Day";
if ($this->isWeekHoliday($date, 2, 1, 11))
return "Election Day";
if ($this->isWeekHoliday($date, 1, 1, 9))
return "Labor Day";
if ($this->isWeekHoliday($date, 1, 2, 10))
return "Columbus Day";
if ($this->isWeekHoliday($date, 1, 99, 5))
return "Memorial Day";
if ($this->isWeekHoliday($date, 0, 2, 5))
return "Mother's Day";
if ($this->isWeekHoliday($date, 0, 3, 6))
return "Father's Day";
return "";
function isWeekHoliday($date, $dayOfWeek, $weekOfMonth, $monthOfDate)
$this->JDtoYMD($date, $year, $month, $day);
if ($monthOfDate != $month)
return 0;
$jd = jdtounix($date);
$dow = gmdate("w", $jd);
if ($dow != $dayOfWeek)
return 0;
$daysInMonth = gmdate("t", $jd);
if ($weekOfMonth > 5 && $day + 6 > $daysInMonth)
return 1;
if ($day > ($weekOfMonth - 1) * 7 && $day <= ($weekOfMonth * 7))
return 1;
return 0;
function tinyCalendar($date, $square)
$this->JDtoYMD($date, $year, $month, $day);
// print numbers in boxes
$cur = $date - $wd;
$this->SetFont("Helvetica", "B", 10);
$monthStr = gmdate ("F", jdtounix($date))." $year";
$this->JDtoYMD($date, $year, $month, $day);
// save local copy of coordinates for future reference
$x = $this->x;
$y = $this->y;
$this->Cell(7*$square, $square, $monthStr, 0, 0, "C");
$this->SetXY($x, $y);
for ($i = 1; $i <= 7; ++$i)
$day = strtoupper(gmdate("l", jdtounix($this->MDYtoJD(2,$i,2009))));
$this->Cell($square, $square, $day[0], 0,0,"C");
$this->SetXY($x, $y);
for ($k=0;$k<6;$k++)
for ($i=0;$i<7;$i++ )
$this->JDtoYMD($cur++, $curYear, $curMonth, $curDay);
if ($curMonth != $month)
$curDay = " ";
$this->Cell($square, $square, $curDay, 0, 0, "R");
$this->SetXY($x, $y);
function printDay($date)
// nothing to do, can be overriden
function printHoliday($date)
$x = $this->x;
$y = $this->y;
$height = 5.5;
if ($this->squareHeight < 50)
$height = 4;
$widthPercent = .92;
$fontSize = 11;
$holiday = $this->isHoliday($date);
if (strlen($holiday))
$wd = gmdate("w",jdtounix($date));
if ($wd != 0 && $wd != 6)
$this->Cell($this->squareWidth, $this->squareHeight, "", 0, 0, "", true);
$this->SetXY($x + $this->squareWidth * (1-$widthPercent)/2,$y + $this->squareHeight * 0.83);
$this->SetFont("Helvetica", "B", $fontSize);
$this->Cell($this->squareWidth * $widthPercent,$height,$holiday, 0, 0, "C");
function printMonth($date)
$this->date = $date;
$this->JDtoYMD($date, $year, $month, $day);
// compute size base on current settings
$width = $this->w - $this->lMargin - $this->rMargin;
$height = $this->h - $this->tMargin - $this->bMargin;
// print prev and next calendars
$this->tinyCalendar($this->lastMonth($date), $this->tinySquareSize);
$this->setXY($this->lMargin+$width - $this->tinySquareSize * 7,$this->tMargin);
$this->tinyCalendar($this->nextMonth($date), $this->tinySquareSize);
// print header
$firstLine = $this->tinySquareSize * 8 + $this->tMargin;
$monthStr = strtoupper(gmdate ("F Y", jdtounix($date)));
$this->SetFont("Times", "B", $this->headerFontSize);
$this->Cell($width, $firstLine, $monthStr, 0,0, "C");
// compute number of weeks in month.
$start = $date - $wd;
$numDays = $this->nextMonth($date) - $start;
$numWeeks = 0;
while ($numDays > 0)
$numDays -= 7;
// compute horizontal lines
$this->squareHeight = ($height - 6 - $firstLine) / $numWeeks;
$horizontalLines = array($firstLine,6);
for ($i = 0; $i < $numWeeks; ++$i)
$horizontalLines[$i + 2] = $this->squareHeight;
// compute vertical lines
$this->squareWidth = $width / 7;
$verticalLines = array($this->lMargin, $this->squareWidth, $this->squareWidth, $this->squareWidth, $this->squareWidth, $this->squareWidth, $this->squareWidth, $this->squareWidth);
// print days of week
$x = 0;
$this->SetFont("Times", "B", 12);
for ($i = 1; $i <= 7; ++$i)
$x += $verticalLines[$i-1];
$day = gmdate("l", jdtounix($this->MDYtoJD(2,$i,2009)));
// print numbers in boxes
$cur = $date - $wd;
$this->SetFont("Times", "B", 20);
$x = 0;
$y = $horizontalLines[0];
for ($k=0;$k<$numWeeks;$k++)
$y += $horizontalLines[$k+1];
for ($i=0;$i<7;$i++ )
$this->JDtoYMD($cur, $curYear, $curMonth, $curDay);
$x += $verticalLines[$i];
$this->squareWidth = $verticalLines[$i+1];
if ($curMonth == $month)
$this->setXY($x, $y);
$this->setXY($x, $y);
$this->SetFont("Times", "B", 20);
$this->Cell(5, 5, $curDay);
$x = 0;
// print horizontal lines
$ly = 0;
$ry = 0;
foreach ($horizontalLines as $key => $value)
$ly += $value;
$ry += $value;
// print vertical lines
$lx = 0;
$rx = 0;
foreach ($verticalLines as $key => $value)
$lx += $value;
$rx += $value;
$this->Line($lx,$firstLine,$rx,$firstLine + 6 + $this->squareHeight * $numWeeks);
} // PDF_USA_Calendar class definition
class MyCalendar extends PDF_USA_Calendar
function printDay($date)
// add logic here to customize a day
if ($month == 1 && $day == 10)
$this->SetXY($this->x, $this->y + $this->squareHeight / 2);
$this->SetFont("Arial", "B", 10);
$this->Cell($this->squareWidth,5,"Happy Birthday!", 0,0, "C");
function isHoliday($date)
// insert your favorite holidays here
$this->JDtoYMD($date, $year, $month, $day);
if ($date == easter_days($year) + $this->MDYtoJD(3,21,$year))
$noSchool = false;
return "Easter";
if ($date == easter_days($year) + $this->MDYtoJD(3,21,$year) - 2)
$noSchool = false;
return "Good Friday";
$jewishDate = explode("/", jdtojewish(gregoriantojd($month,$day,$year)));
$month = $jewishDate[0];
$day = $jewishDate[1];
if ($month == 1 && $day == 1)
return "Rosh Hashanah";
if ($month == 1 && $day == 2)
return "Rosh Hashanah";
if ($month == 1 && $day == 10)
return "Yom Kippur";
if ($month == 3 && $day == 25)
return "Chanukkah";
if ($month == 8 && $day == 15)
return "Passover";
// call the base class for USA holidays
return parent::isHoliday($date);
} // class MyCalendar extends PDF_USA_Calendar
// MyCalendar shows how to customize your calendar with Easter, some select Jewish holidays and a birthday
// Supports any size paper FPDF does
$pdf = new MyCalendar("L", "Letter");
// you can set margins and line width here. PDF_USA_Calendar uses the current settings.
$pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false, 0);
// set fill color for non-weekend holidays
$greyValue = 190;
// print the calendar for a whole year
$year = gmdate("Y");
for ($month = 1; $month <= 12; ++$month)
$date = $pdf->MDYtoJD($month, 1, $year);
View the result