// based on the Code 39 script from The-eh
class PDF_i25 extends FPDF
function i25($xpos, $ypos, $code, $basewidth=1, $height=10){
$wide = $basewidth;
$narrow = $basewidth / 3 ;
// wide/narrow codes for the digits
$barChar['0'] = 'nnwwn';
$barChar['1'] = 'wnnnw';
$barChar['2'] = 'nwnnw';
$barChar['3'] = 'wwnnn';
$barChar['4'] = 'nnwnw';
$barChar['5'] = 'wnwnn';
$barChar['6'] = 'nwwnn';
$barChar['7'] = 'nnnww';
$barChar['8'] = 'wnnwn';
$barChar['9'] = 'nwnwn';
$barChar['A'] = 'nn';
$barChar['Z'] = 'wn';
// add leading zero if code-length is odd
if(strlen($code) % 2 != 0){
$code = '0' . $code;
$this->Text($xpos, $ypos + $height + 4, $code);
// add start and stop codes
$code = 'AA'.strtolower($code).'ZA';
for($i=0; $i<strlen($code); $i=$i+2){
// choose next pair of digits
$charBar = $code[$i];
$charSpace = $code[$i+1];
// check whether it is a valid digit
$this->Error('Invalid character in barcode: '.$charBar);
$this->Error('Invalid character in barcode: '.$charSpace);
// create a wide/narrow-sequence (first digit=bars, second digit=spaces)
$seq = '';
for($s=0; $s<strlen($barChar[$charBar]); $s++){
$seq .= $barChar[$charBar][$s] . $barChar[$charSpace][$s];
for($bar=0; $bar<strlen($seq); $bar++){
// set lineWidth depending on value
if($seq[$bar] == 'n'){
$lineWidth = $narrow;
$lineWidth = $wide;
// draw every second value, because the second digit of the pair is represented by the spaces
if($bar % 2 == 0){
$this->Rect($xpos, $ypos, $lineWidth, $height, 'F');
$xpos += $lineWidth;
$pdf = new PDF_i25();
View the result