class PDF_FancyRow extends PDF_MC_Table
function FancyRow($data, $border=array(), $align=array(), $style=array(), $maxline=array())
//Calculate the height of the row
$nb = 0;
for($i=0;$i<count($data);$i++) {
$nb = max($nb, $this->NbLines($this->widths[$i],$data[$i]));
if (count($maxline)) {
$_maxline = max($maxline);
if ($nb > $_maxline) {
$nb = $_maxline;
$h = 5*$nb;
//Issue a page break first if needed
//Draw the cells of the row
for($i=0;$i<count($data);$i++) {
// alignment
$a = isset($align[$i]) ? $align[$i] : 'L';
// maxline
$m = isset($maxline[$i]) ? $maxline[$i] : false;
//Save the current position
$x = $this->GetX();
$y = $this->GetY();
//Draw the border
if ($border[$i]==1) {
} else {
$_border = strtoupper($border[$i]);
if (strstr($_border, 'L')!==false) {
$this->Line($x, $y, $x, $y+$h);
if (strstr($_border, 'R')!==false) {
$this->Line($x+$w, $y, $x+$w, $y+$h);
if (strstr($_border, 'T')!==false) {
$this->Line($x, $y, $x+$w, $y);
if (strstr($_border, 'B')!==false) {
$this->Line($x, $y+$h, $x+$w, $y+$h);
// Setting Style
if (isset($style[$i])) {
$this->SetFont('', $style[$i]);
$this->MultiCell($w, 5, $data[$i], 0, $a, 0, $m);
//Put the position to the right of the cell
$this->SetXY($x+$w, $y);
//Go to the next line
$pdf = new PDF_FancyRow();
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 12);
$pdf->Write(12,'Please fill in your name, company and email below:');
$widths = array(5, 40, 5, 40, 5, 40);
$border = array('', 'LBR', '', 'LBR', '', 'LBR');
$caption = array('','Name', '', 'Company','', 'Email');
$align = array('', 'C', '', 'C', '', 'C');
$style = array('', 'I', '', 'I', '', 'I');
$empty = array('','','','','','');
$pdf->FancyRow($empty, $border);
$pdf->FancyRow($caption, $empty, $align, $style);
View the result