

Author: David
License: FPDF


This script adds templates to FPDF for building documents containing a large number of similar pages. Typically, when a PDF is built with many pages sharing the same layout while only text changes, it can prove useful to use a template which will be defined only once as a single object and will be included in each page requiring that layout.

A template is defined by an external file containing a subset of raw FPDF instructions. This approach brings several benefits:

Template rules

Anchor definition

To define a text anchor within a template, use SetTextProp() with the following arguments:
SetTextProp(string anchor_id, float x_pos, float y_pos, float width, float height, string font_family, string font style, float font_size)

To define a column anchor, use SetColumns() with the following arguments:
SetColumns(string anchor_id, float col00, float col01, float col02, ...,  float col18, float col19)
Caution: anchor IDs are cross-template which means that they should be unique for a given PDF. If two templates used in the same PDF have anchors with the same ID, the last one will take precedence. There is however a clear distinction between text and column anchors, which means that a text anchor and a column anchor can share the same ID.

The method to load a template is:
int LoadTemplate(string file_tpl [, boolean verbose])

file_tpl: file name containing the template.
verbose: boolean indicating if each processed instruction should be logged to stdout. Defaults to false.
If successful, this function returns a positive integer usable at a later stage by IncludeTemplate():
IncludeTemplate(int handle)

handle: handle returned by a previous call to LoadTemplate()
The method to output a text according to a set of properties defined in a template is:
array ApplyTextProperties(string anchor_id, string text])

anchor_id: anchor identifier specified in one of the templates previously loaded.
text: string containing the text to output. If empty, text properties are still applied (position, color, font).
If successful, the method returns an associative array with the following keys:
px  =>  X position (float)
py => Y position (float)
ix => width or delta_x (float)
iy => height or delta_y (float)
fr => text color - red component (int)
fg => text color - green component (int)
fb => text color - blue component (int)
fam => font family (string)
sty => font style (string)
siz => font size (float)
The method to retrieve an array of column widths associated with an anchor ID is:
array GetColumns(string anchor_id)

anchor_id: anchor identifier specified in one of the templates previously loaded.
If successful, this method returns an array containing the widths of up to 20 columns.


Here's an example which builds a PDF containing 21 pages with data loaded from a CSV file.
The script invokes two distinct templates and demonstrates the usage of both types of anchors (text and column).
require_once ('templates_fpdf.php');

// This sample program uses two distinct templates
$file_tpl1 = "template1.tpl";
$file_tpl2 = "template2.tpl";

// This sample program uses data fetched from a CSV file
$file_csv  = "data.csv";
$lines     = file ($file_csv);
$headers   = explode (";", $lines [0]);    // Headers for columns for the first page
$rows      = array_slice ($lines, 1);    // Data doesn't include the first row which contains headers 
$nb_rows   = count ($rows);

$pdf = new Templates_FPDF();
$pdf->AliasNbPages ("{nb}");            // For page numbering

// Template #1 is used for the part which builds one page per employee
$template1 = $pdf->LoadTemplate ($file_tpl1);
if ($template1 <= 0) {
    die ("  ** Error couldn't load template file '$file_tpl1'");

// ====================================================
//   First page contains the table for all employees 
// ====================================================

// Template #2 is used for the part which builds a table containing all employees
$template2 = $pdf->LoadTemplate ($file_tpl2);
if ($template2 <= 0) {
    die ("  ** Error couldn't load template file '$file_tpl2'");
$pdf->IncludeTemplate ($template2);        
$pdf->ApplyTextProp ("FOOTRNB2", "1 / {nb}");   //  Add a footer with page number

// In the table of the first page, take into account only a subset of fields of CSV file; say fields #0,#2,#3,#5,#6,#7
$subset_csv = array (0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7);
$nn = count ($subset_csv);

// Get collumns widths with an anchor ID
$pcol = $pdf->GetColls ("COLSWDTH", "");
// Get Text properties of headers
$ptxp = $pdf->ApplyTextProp ("ROW0COL0", "");

for ($ii = 0; $ii < $nn; $ii ++) {
    $data = $headers [$subset_csv [$ii]];
// Column interspace is 1
    $pdf->SetX ($pdf->GetX() + 1);
    $pdf->Cell ($pcol [$ii], $ptxp ['iy'], $data, 1, 0, "C", true);

$pdf->SetFillColor (240, 240, 240);        // for "zebra" effect
// Get Text properties of data cell
$ptxp = $pdf->ApplyTextProp ("ROW1COL0", "");
$py = $ptxp ['py'];            // Initial Y position for data rows        
for ($jj = 0; $jj < $nb_rows; $jj ++) {
    $pdf->SetXY ($ptxp ['px'], $py);
    $fields = explode (";", $rows[$jj]);
    for ($ii = 0; $ii < $nn; $ii ++) {
        $data = trim ($fields [$subset_csv [$ii]]);
// Column interspace is 1
        $pdf->SetX ($pdf->GetX() + 1);
// Last fill boolean parameter switches from false to true to achieve a "zebra" effect
        $pdf->Cell ($pcol [$ii], $ptxp ['iy'], $data, "", 0, "L", $jj & 1);
    $py += $ptxp ['iy'];        // for row interspace
// ==================================================
//   Subsequent pages contain one page per employee 
// ==================================================
for ($ii = 0; $ii < $nb_rows; $ii ++) {
    $pdf->IncludeTemplate ($template1);
    $page_nb = $pdf->PageNo(); 
    $pdf->ApplyTextProp ("FOOTRNB1", "$page_nb / {nb}");   //  Add a footer with page number

    $fields = explode (";", $rows[$ii]);
    foreach ($fields as $kk => $field) {
        $anchor_id = "FIELD" . sprintf ("%03d", $kk);
        $pdf->ApplyTextProp ($anchor_id, trim ($field));

$nb_pages = $pdf->PageNo();
$file_pdf = "ex.pdf";    
$pdf->Output("F", $file_pdf);
print ("  >> File '$file_pdf' generated:  " . "$nb_pages pages  -  " . filesize($file_pdf) . " bytes\n");
View the result here.
